Sonali Bank DPS Scheme

Sonali Bank DPS

Sonali Bank DPS is, a customer deposits a certain amount of money in the bank every month and after the expiry of the term, the customer gets a good amount of money returned from Sonali Bank.

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Sonali Bank DPS Scheme

Features of Sonali Bank DPS

  1. DPS account of Sonali Bank can be opened in any branch. In other words, the customer can open the DPS account at any branch.
  2. Sonali Bank provides loan facilities to customers for urgent needs against money deposited in DPS.
  3. Sonali Bank DPS provides the facility of withdrawing money before the expiry date.

DPS monthly installments, profit rate, and amount received

Sonali Bank Ananya DPS at 8.25% profit for 3 years – 

  • 1,000 taka monthly deposit customer will get 1,000 taka with bonus 41,579 taka.
  • Monthly deposit of 2,000 taka earns profit of 9,158 taka and total profit of 83,158 taka with bonus of 2,000 taka.
  • Monthly deposit of 3,000 taka with profit of 13,736 taka and bonus of 3,000 taka total will be 1,24,736 taka at the end of term.
  • Monthly deposit of 5,000 taka plus profit of 22,894 taka and bonus of 5,000 taka total will be 2,07,894 taka at the end of the term.
  • 6,000 taka monthly deposit, profit 27,473 taka with bonus 6,000 taka, total customer will get 2,49,473 taka.
  • 7,000 taka monthly deposit, profit 32,051 taka with bonus 7,000 taka total customer will get 2,91,051 taka.
  • 8,000 taka monthly deposit, will get 36,630 taka profit, bonus 8,000 taka total customer will get 3,32,630 taka.
  • 9,000 taka monthly deposit 41,209 taka with profit and bonus 9,000 taka total customer will get 3,74,209 taka.
  • Monthly deposit of 10,000 taka and get 45,788 taka profit with bonus 10,000 taka, total get 4,15,788 taka.

Documents requirement for Sonali Bank DPS Scheme

  1. Photocopy of account holder's NID card or passport, or birth registration or driving license.
  2. Two copies of recent passport size photographs of the account holder duly attested by the introducer or introducer. 
  3. Photocopy of nominee's NID, or passport or birth registration or driving license to be attested by the account holder.
  4. 1 copy of recent passport size photograph of the nominee which must be attested by the account holder.


  1. Thanks for sharing the information.
    Helpful writing

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